Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Lisa Fritsch – Not your typical conservative

As she stepped onto the line that was queuing at the side of the large stage, the tall African-American woman received a few stares from the other statewide candidates, all of whom were preparing for their short introduction to the huge assemblage.

Every top level of state government, save one, was ready to challenge their opponents with a brief statement about their reasons for running and why they would be the best choice in the GOP primary on March 4. Candidates for US Senate, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, Comptroller, etc., were all on hand to make an impression on the multitude of local voters. It was Saturday, February 1 at the DFW Hyatt-Regency Hotel, and the annual Denton County Lincoln-Reagan dinner was just getting underway. About a thousand people filled the grand ballroom as elected officials, candidates for public office and other GOP dignitaries and their guests moved about the enormous hall, shaking hands and slapping backs.

“Good evening. My name is Lisa Fritsch and I’m running for Governor,” said the imposing figure at the podium. “I’ll give you a few seconds to absorb that,” she added with a cute grin. Ms. Fritsch, an Austin resident, having just arrived in the area a day earlier for some campaigning in North Texas, was not one of the featured speakers on the agenda. However, thanks to the gracious intervention of some local Republicans, she and her husband Mike were invited to the gala. During the VIP reception earlier in the evening, after being introduced to Senator Ted Cruz, his dad Rafael, Congressman Michael Burgess, State Senator Jane Nelson (the emcee for the event), County Chairwoman Dianne Edmondson, et.al., it was decided that she would have an opportunity to address the roomful of GOP operatives.

Ms. Fritsch spoke passionately about resurrecting the values that made our country the leader of the world, adding that Texas must continue to lead the country in preserving those values. The room erupted in applause as she ended with a few words about defeating the Democrat candidate, who, if elected would stunt the growth of the state that leads the nation in spiritual principles and entrepreneurial success. It may be an understatement to say that Ms. Fritsch has an uphill struggle for the nomination against Attorney General Greg Abbot. However, I’m reminded of a similar David vs. Goliath battle for the Senate in 2012 that ended in victory for the son of a first generation Cuban immigrant. I must say I was proud of the party leaders who, instead of standing on technicalities, openly embraced a Republican colleague and gave her a chance to be heard. Democrats are always making critical references to the GOP as intolerant of minorities. They would have choked on their palabras if they had seen the multicultural mosaic in that ballroom.

Lisa and Mike Fritsch were guests for lunch at our home on Monday. We learned that Lisa was born and raised in Tyler, TX by a single mother. She’s a graduate of the University of Texas at Austin, and married for 14 years to Mike Fritsch, a West Point graduate, Army veteran, and co-owner with Lisa of Confoe Inc., a computer software consulting business in Austin. They have 2 gorgeous children (we saw the photos), 12 and 7 years old. We also learned that Lisa was a weekly radio talk show host in Austin; KLBJ’s “Sunday’s best with Lisa Fritsch,” for about 6 years before she gave it up last year to begin campaigning. She’s made several appearances on the Glenn Beck Show, was a Fox 7 Austin political analyst, and appeared on the Neil Cavuto Show. From 2011 to 2013, Lisa was involved as a conservative activist with the Washington Times Project 21, dedicated to promoting the views of African-Americans whose entrepreneurial spirit, commitment to family and individual responsibility has not been traditionally echoed by the nation’s civil rights establishment.

A passionate advocate for life, Ms. Fritsch said when she saw Wendy Davis get into the race for governor she felt compelled to stop her. “Democrats are responsible for aborting 1800 minority children every day in this country,” she said with obvious outrage in her voice. “The Democrat Party and their leadership work against minorities. They’re replacing fathers by saying you can abort your offspring, putting mothers in a role of helplessness and despair. Democrats pretend they care, but it’s all about keeping people down so they need the government to come to the rescue,” she added. On immigration: “The feds have totally lost control, endangering our security and straining our economy. We need to give state law enforcement more authority to arrest, and we must employ the Texas Guard to enforce our borders. Furthermore, we should enact a guest worker program without a pathway to citizenship,” she said. Lisa also believes that welfare should only be available to legal residents. You can learn so much more about this remarkable woman on her website: www.Lisa4Texas.com.

Bob Weir is a long-time Flower Mound resident and former local newspaper editor. In addition, Bob has 7 published books that include “Murder in Black and White,” “City to Die For,” “Powers that Be,” “Ruthie’s Kids,” “Deadly to Love,” “Short Stories of Life and Death” and “Out of Sight,” all of which can be found on Amazon.com and other major online bookstores.


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